Yay! I got balloons last night! I was QA'd twice ...

Yay! I got balloons last night! I was QA'd twice last night (a Quality Assurance person listened to my calls and graded them), and I got 100% on both of them! That made me happy. I feel pretty comfortable on the phones, but the night never seems to end. Maybe being on the later shift will help pass the time. We'll see.

I was not ready for chemistry this morning. I had no homework, and no lab goggles or long pants for the lab day. I was prepared for a very bad day. However, I was able to buy goggles in the student store, and he never asked for the homework, so it wasn't as horrible as I had thought.

Money Money Money! After a season of financial drought, I'm finally getting a little back. My parents sent what I asked for, and I should be getting my paycheck thru direct deposit tonight. Yes Mom, I plan on saving some. I'm even sending $50 of every paycheck to my New Mexico account by the direct deposit setup, so I can't touch it unless I really need it!

Oh well, time to get myself out of financial sqander. OK, its not that bad, but still....


  1. Tip with chem labs. Put a pair of pants and your goggles in your backpack, or even your car and leave them there. And if you have a crappy pair of goggles, you can have mine, I don't need them anymore.

  2. thats a really good idea! i guess you learned from experience. I do have a pair of pants that would work well as emergency lab pants, and now that I have the goggles I probably won't need to worry about it. Actually, my goggles are pretty decent for $2.75. They even have the little air flaps that you can either leave open or closed! Bling Bling


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