Bite the Bullet

Ok, so maybe work isn't that bad. Its still not what I want to do, but it's not that bad.

I posted my resume on, hopefully someone will see it and think "intern...", but we'll see. I guess I might be able to hang in there at this job for a while. As long as they don't volunteer me for Winback... I refuse. Nancy says she likes Winback because she has more goodies to offer people, but that means I'd have to be even more of a salesman. If anything, I want to be less of a salesman!

School was usual. I don't have enough time to do what I want, blah blah blah. At the moment, I don't really think it matters. I'm an adult now. I need time for myself, but I can get that later. I'll just suck it up for now. Things will get better, yes they will.


  1. Hi Chris, I just read the last couple entries, I am proud you are doing both school and work full time but dont give up on time for yourself, honestly it only gets better if you make it. Schedule time for what you want to do!!!! We want you to focus on School over work. Love mom

  2. I hear denial, and no I'm not close enough to hear the river in Egypt. Something is going on, if you need to talk call, or IM me.



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