New Computer!

Yay! I just spent a bunch of money on a new computer! Well, not an entirely new computer, but the important parts. I got a new case, an Athlon 64 3000+ CPU, a new motherboard with 8 USB2 ports, 512MB of DDR RAM and a mini USB hub.

It was really time to do it, and I'm really glad I did. I haven't seen phenomenal performance increases, but the case looks MUCH better, and I feel better knowing that my hardware is updated. I now have a really great PC once again. Besides, I didn't spend a fortune. I got pretty good deals.

Oh yeah, and Mr. Waterbury has made a couple of basic updates on the band website (, so I guess my project will continue to be used! Sweet! Still need to get some students/parents/instructors involved, but there's a BBPA meeting coming up.

Work again tomorrow? Keep on truckin'...


  1. Hi Chris, this is good to be able to "hear" how you are without bothering you. I should have guessed, computer stuff would be your first major purchase. Congrats on that too. Love mom

  2. Hey sounds like youve been buying lots. good ole' jobs. Darn i need to find one soon, need extra spending moneys. im in the njrotc program at los alamos high school and its so much fun! we shoot air rifles and learn drilling and such. You should see if you can buy something from me for a fundraiser we're doing for rotc. the website for it is and sign into stephanie keller if you do it (so i get the credits). Im trying to sell stuff to 125 different ppl and if i do, i get an ELECTRIC SCOOTER!!!! YAY. tahts my goal at least, and i have 3 or so more weeks to do it so i think i MIGHT even make that. its a lot, but i'm gunna try hard. I've been staying pritty busy with school, eat pizza for lunch most days. YUMMMM! i made brownies a few days ago-they were great with vanilla ice cream. I wish i had hot chocolate fudge with that, brownie sundae. YUMMMM.yeah, i like foods. prolly not the most healthy ones either but yeah oh well. Well Chris, hope your doing good in college, and enjoying it! hope your likin your new job prity well also:-D Love you lots, g2g to futon. Night


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