All the usual...

So yeah, there hasn't been a whole lot going on. At work, we've got one day of Transition Pod left. I met my coach Eric (my direct supervisor), and he seems pretty cool. He's not a rule basher, but he does insist that I don't get in trouble because then he gets in trouble which he'll bring back to me. But he has cool spreadsheets!

Spanish today was decent. We're still going over things I know from previous experience. I forgot my composition, but I did figure out how to use the keyboard to type Spanish characters without the symbol chart. For example:

¡Hola! ¿Cómo está usted? Soy así así. Soy un poco perezoso, pero muy intelegente. ¿Qué hora es? Es siete veintecinco...

Yay for accent marks! And it works in any program. It will come in handy for next time.

I miss Ashley, especially since she had a bad day today. Hopefully I can find a little time to see her tomorrow.


  1. Hi Chris, I just read the whole list of activities. Sounds like you are doing ok. I am glad. Life wont get easier,just different. I bet you will be able to switch your schedual eventually. Although you may need this one for school. Tell Ashley hi for me. I am glad you are really enjoying the time you HAVE with her, that will make it even more special. @ years!! wow, guess I might have known, if I had thought about it but wow. Happy anniversary next month. We are ok, missing cosmo. Started out crazy scheduals here too. not as busy as yours but busy enough. School is ok for me, I had to switch to an slower math class, it has been too long since i had done algebra. English is good but so much homework. Love you miss you Take care love mom


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