
Another day, another... dollar? It was a good day, but where did time go? I think waking up at 11:00 must have made the difference. Sleeping in is great, but it sure makes the day seem short.

Ashley and I spent most of the afternoon together watching the extended version of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. After that we had dinner at Old Chicago, which was good as always. We talked about what we've been doing.

Apparently, Ashley's mother wants to buy another rental. She currently has her one of her own, then owns the paperwork on Ashley's, and is thinking about doing another. If you don't know anything about the rental house situation, Marcy's rental has been in renovation for the past year, and has been ready to rent out for about 2 months. Ashley's rental has been in renovation for almost a year, and still has a bit of work to to. But between working on the two houses, Marcy has not taken a day to herself in months. And now she wants to buy another! Ashley's not sure what to think, but does admit that it would keep her mom sane. Ashley's starting to think that her mom needs a rental house to renovate to keep herself happy.

After dinner, we both went home to finish homework. I studied a little espaƱol, and I'm working on my math lab assignment currently. The online lab is also pretty cool, as they guarantee a response to questions within 12 hours. However, this particular assignment calls for 2 different questions on separate days. Why is this necessary, again?


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