Last Saturday off... EVER

Thats right, today was the last Saturday I'll have off ever again. After today, it'll be all Sundays and Tuesdays (besides this Friday.) But it wasn't such a bad day. To start off the day, Ashley and I went to get her tires rotated, and one flat fixed. She said her steering has been floating when she goes above about 45 mph, and that's been happening for a few days, so hopefully this will help. After that, Ashley and I got Quizno's and watched a movie on my computer.

After that, I took her home so she could go to work, and chatted with her Uncle Greg and Aunt Carol for a bit. About 10 minutes into her shift, Ashley called and said she was done and was coming home. It was great, but it ruined my plan to go to PC Club and buy a USB hub. So instead we stuck around. Pretty soon after Carol and Greg left, Uncle Bud and Skylar (Bud's 3-year-old grandson) dropped by, and Skylar and I played for a little bit. I introduced him to "Where's Cassie," a game where we throw the dog's blanket over her. After that, Ashley and I went to the mall in hopes of catching PC Club. I arrived about 10 minutes after close, so we went to see The Princess Diaries 2. The movie started at 9:40, so we skipped and wandered arount the mall instead. I bought Neverwinter Nights, and Ashley got more jeans from Old Navy.

That about sums up the day, except the part after this that I play Neverwinter Nights. A good day, but I'm sad to say goodbye to Saturdays. It was nice knowing you, Saturday. We had many good times!


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