Random Thoughts for Free Time

Well shoot, you know what I just realized? They've screwed up my schedule for the last week of training! All thru training we've had Saturday and Sunday for a weekend, but this weekend I only get Saturday, then work Sunday thru Thursday. They do that so Friday we have a guaranteed day off and we start our schedules Saturday. I guess that works, but I was really looking forward to a good weekend. On the plus side, Friday is pay day. Sweet!

I was really worried when I thought this weekend was me and Ashley's 2 year anniversary, but that's next month, October 5th. I have that day off of work!

Spanish was alright. We had our first exam, which I took quickly and promptly left (per teacher's directions). It wasn't too hard. I forgot to do my workbook, so I'll be losing points there. Why didn't I remember that? It must've been too late last night. Either way, my efforts to improve my study skill need to be strengthened.

Oh yeah, and I can finally do laundry again. Sometime last week, a fire started in the plug. Lucky Aunt Nancy was there and noticed it. Uncle John came out a couple days ago and fixed the plug, but grandma's still bitching that the security system (which isn't even enabled anymore) shouldn't be wired onto the same circuit.


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