Life, the Universe, and Everything

I'm starting to think this full time employee\student thing isn't for me. I'm still getting thru, but I sure wish I had more time off. One day off of everything isn't quite enough, methinks.

Class is going great. I actually feel pretty relaxed about this whole college thing. I've got a full load and I still don't have to do that much studying. I'm keeping up with homework, but its not really that hard. Sure, that'll probably change as soon as I get classes I've never taken, but it seems like the profs usually go over anything that's important.

Its work thats really draining me right now. Its not a bad job, but getting up the will to drive there and sit is slightly harder. I don't know how long I want to make myself a slave to America's stupidest segment of society. "I'm not gonna have TV for a week just because your equipment failed?" Try a board game, ma'am. I've heard they're fun.

I think I'll start job hunting. I don't mind this job, and I'll keep it until i find something else. However, I don't want to stay there longer than I have to. I'm smart enough to do something better.


  1. From Dad,a recommendation: ask to work 30 hours a week.


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