May need a new hat soon

In the past week or so, I've been putting in applications everywhere, because frankly, my financial situation is worse than bad. And it may be paying off, just maybe. I had another interview yesterday with Best Buy, this time for Computer Sales. The interview was pleasant and went well enough, but I'm not hopeful. I subtley pried into my chances of getting the job, and it sounds like the manager is looking for something else. For one thing, I don't have much sales experience and computers are inherently difficult to sell. But the biggest thing is my schedule. It's the Best Buy closest to the CU campus, so naturally, all the college students apply there. That means the employers are flooded with people who can work nights and weekends, precisely when I'd be able to work. He said he'd pass my application around to the other departments, but frankly there's better jobs out there, at companies that haven't turned me down twice.

However, a beacon of light showed up this morning. I recieved an e-mail back from Transportation Services of CU. They wanted to set up an interview, so I put on some dress clothes and set one up for this afternoon. We talked about the responsibilities, and it sounds almost tailor-made for me. Entry level IT support and maintenance, so helping people with problems. Data entry in their vehicle database, and in the operations manual they're developing. Random office work. Maybe a little bit of washing vehicles, or vehicle logistics, or picking up stranded drivers. Fifteen to twenty hours a week, at somewhere between $8-$10 an hour. And my prospects were much better at the end. They were looking at several applicants, but she said a few were just too overqualified, grad students with PhD's. Not only that, but both of her children were in or formerly in the military. I can only hope that counts toward my chances. I should know tomorrow, and if I get the job, you know I'll be calling my entire phone book!


  1. *sings jeopardy song* It's tomorrow and I haven't gotten a phone call yet...

  2. Well they sure took their time responding, but I got the e-mail yesterday that they were offering the job. I called them, and left a voicemail. With luck, I'll be working there next week!

    I think I must have been a second choice, because they said they would call on Wednesday, and I wasn't contacted until Friday. Hey, whatever, I've got the job now!


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