Long Day

Today I spent the day with Ashley, her mom and her grandpa, Bob. Bob's a very cool grandpa, and I think he's getting to like me. Anyway, he took all of us shooting at a range in Ft. Morgan, and it was really fun. He's a bit of a gun nut; he's an NRA member, has a concealed weapons license, and has a rotating collection.

He started us off with a couple of handguns, and we got to try out the 100-year-old .22 rifle that Ashley inherited. Its pretty cute; its basically a BB gun with gunpowder. Instead of shattering the clay pigeons that we had set on a hill, it left holes in them.

After that, he let me try a couple of his high-power rifles. One of his new aquisitions that he let me try was a Russian WW2 rifle with 30-06 ammo. That thing delivers quite a kick, but I actually didn't do too bad. We had a target set at 100 yards, but with 20 shots between Bob and I, it didn't have a hole in it. We also visited some of their relatives, and also the cemetary to replace some pots.

After that, I went to work my first real shift. It wasn't all that bad. My team seems pretty lively for call center workers, but I think I'll like a few of them. My coach Eric seems pretty... uptight, but he tries to stay level-headed. The team could be affecting that uptightness; they love to disagree with company policies. Either way, I'm gonna be there a while, better get used to it.


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