It's Friday!!!

And Friday didn't come a moment too soon. As much fun as Travel Pod has been, I need a break. Tomorrow I have the prospect of an actual day off, which I haven't gotten in a while. But that's all a ruse, because Sunday we start Transition Pod, the last week of training. But thats ok. I still have my sanity so far. Besides, my real shedule has Sundays and Tuesdays off, so I won't get a two-day weekend until I start taking paid days off.

Today was overall pretty good. I got up at the crack of 10 AM, changed my car's oil (it needed it), then I checked my account to see my huge stores of cash. After that, I went and bought Noodles and Co. and had lunch with Ashley, which makes the second time I've seen her all week since Sunday, the first being last night. It was very good to just sit down with her and... sit. The macaroni was good too, but I think we were both relieved to have the other there.

Work was usual. We got to listen to our own recorded calls, and I didn't realize that my voice is so nasal on the phone.

Oh yeah, and per a bet with the class a week behind us, we're gonna get a pizza party on Monday or Tuesday. They bet that they could get a better class average on the 2nd and 3rd week tests than we did, and I believe we won. Therefore, they're gonna pay for pizza for both classes. I'm happy about that :)


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