Rear-ended from the front!

I'm just going to mention that this morning has been, by all accounts, pretty crappy. I decided to drive to the Park-n-Ride instead of taking my bike on the local route, but that's not one of the crappy things. I was an intersection away from the PnR when I hit a red light, with a pickup truck in front of me. We all stopped, but then the pickup rolled backward and hit me! We got out real quick, and the lady seemed pretty worried about what had happened, like I was going to be really angry. We both drove into the PnR, since she was also taking the bus, and we examined the damage. Her truck was fine, but my car has a nice new dent on the front of the hood. Now for those of you who have seen my car, a small dent on the hood is a drop in the bucket. I told her I wasn't worried about it, that my car needed a lot of work anyway and I wasn't upset about a small dent. If I had a nice new car, that might've been different, but with my old Civic in the condition that it is, it really doesn't make a difference. She looked on the verge of tears, poor thing. She sounded like she was born elsewhere, maybe Scandinavian. Her name was Inna.

On top of that, I forgot my bus pass, so I'll have to pay for parking later. And despite all this crappiness, I'm really still very chipper this morning. Can't explain it. The world could be ending around me and I'd still be cheerful, and I don't even know why I'm happy. I just figure it's a good outlook on life. Could be.

I'll try and backdate a few things later, like drill.


  1. Are you going to be able to show me what dent it is when I see it?

  2. Oh yeah. It's definitely large enough to be visible. And my hood was one of the few body panels that wasn't dented.

  3. After the accident is your car working fine (engine running smooth, the car handling okay, etc.)? I know it can be a hassle to wait for police and exchange insurance but it could save you in the long run.


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