Let's be Honest

Ok, so I've been putting off posting for a few days. Mostly because I turned in my 2-week notice Thurdsay night and wanted to tell my parents before I put it on here. After looking at some of the comments and emails concerning this decision, I've decided I made a good choice but put way too much in the notice. Damn school for always demanding 3 paragraphs of supporting information! I can't not do it now!

Anyway, nothing much really happened out of the ordinary until Saturday, yesterday. When I woke up, I was invited to go over to Ashley's rental and help her cousin Doug do some electrical work. Doug just got out of prison within the last 6 months, and now he's an apprentice electrician. He's really a cool guy, and he knows what he's doing. He was able to narrow down intermittent power problems to a really old breaker. I understood what he was doing, but it amazed me how freely he handled the live lines. I also learned about the continuity feature of my multimeter, which is really cool and helpful.

After that, Ashley and I went to Jeremey's birthday party. Lyssa also showed up, and we had a good time just hanging out. We also went out to the new Broomfield Commons park and shot of some of Jeremey's rockets. He got a new dual-stage rocket that went way too high to see for a good minute. When we got back, we played horseshoes and Pictionary with Dave and Shelly.

As it got later, we decided to join up with Jackie, Kristen and Jeff. They wanted to go to The Dig, the new haunted house in right in Broomfield. After much debate, we decided to go, but Ashley opted to stay in the car. That said, Jackie asked Ashley permission to borrow me for clinging priveleges. :D The house was decent, but I don't really have anything to judge off of. Jeremey insists that he's been to a few this season, and this one was decent but not worth the price.


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