Finally woke up

Ok, I think I snapped out of my lethargy about half way thru work tonight. This morning was just as bad as last night. It took a lot of effort to think. I'm doing much better now.

So yeah, I didn't end up getting to Ft. Collins for the CSU band festival, but I would've been there for like 2 hours, and Jackie was doing guard duty so I don't know if I could've seen her anyway. Ashley and Kelly were off on a girl's day out, so I just caught up on sleep until work.

Work was usual. We had a training session reviewing the best ways to defuse a bad call. And I got a lady to cry because she woudln't have TV for the weekend. Very nice.

Hopefully tomorrow I can actually see Ashley again. That'd be a treat. Ooh, and Jackie also promised she'd be down, so we'll have a grand ol' time.


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