And then

Today, I took a jog and went to church. Ashley's thinking that if I want to continue converting to Catholic that we should see about the RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, the standard conversion classes) at the Sacred Heart of Mary church in Boulder. Apparently, the confirmation program was much better there than at Nativity, so that would probably follow for RCIA. We'll see; first I need time to actually take classes! That will come soon enough...

After that, Ashley and I went job hunting for me, and I got a few good applications. I'd really love to get an internship at a tech company, but I could proabably settle with retail for a bit. All I need is a little cash inflow. While Ashley was at work, I finished replacing the outlets in the kitchen at Ashley's rental. Doug gave me another great tip; electricians typically put sockets that are controlled by switches upside-down to designate them! I would never think of that, but its a great idea, so I also did that.

Ashley and I talked about going to the gym or going for a bike ride, but by the time we were done with dinner it was pretty much too late. I came home, did some homework (for real!), and now I sit here. A week and a half more of work, and right smack dab in the middle of the semester. Life is good.


  1. Hey Chris, You sound relieved to be leaving your job. I am glad. Love Mom


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