I Have Friends!

Today has been really fun, and I hope I have more days like this one.

I got to sleep in, wich is always a plus. I got to see my dad too, and it's been a while since I've seen any of my family. It was really great to see him again. Dad also gave me the title to my car, which is another bonus! The car's always been mine, but now it's official.

After that, I hung out with Ashley, Jackie, Kelly, Fuzzy, and Jeff. We got Kristin's stuff ready to go back to college, then we went to the mall and had a really great time just wondering around. I got a new sweater from Old Navy because it was a good sweater and it was cheap. I need to bolster my sweater collection anyway. I think everyone ended up buying something. It was really great to know that I still have friends and can have a good time with them.

I also did a little homework. I guess you'd say that mid-terms are coming up, because all of my classes seem to have tests coming up. Its not official, but I guess this is considered mid-term. I'm not looking forward to that part, especially if I actually have to study hard. But I'll get by.

And my laptop still isn't back from the shop. All that was wrong was a little latch won't stay closed, and they've had it for at least 2 weeks. I'm starting to miss it!


  1. Guys look good in sweaters. The world needs more guys in sweaters! (or where I live.. they are wooly jumpers.. too much to say though!) Good job!! - Amy

  2. Hi Chris, Dad was glad to see you too. It will be mid term for me next week so ya, you are probably close to that. I am dreading my tests too. The english essay is in class timed. I am slow and wordy, this wont do!!!
    Hey Amy is checking your blog too! Do you know if she has one? I miss you, hope to get a break to come see you. Love Mom Thanks for calling


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