Car Stereo Stolen!

Today's been kind of interesting, because when I got in my car to go to class, I noticed something missing; the faceplate to my stereo. I'd probably have thought I misplaced it, but the stereo itself was also disconnected from the open back and pushed back in its harness, like somebody tried to take it out and didn't have the anti-theft tools. Lucky me, I didn't have anything else in the car that was worth anything. (There were a couple of old computer video cards in the back that are now missing, but I'd have paid somebody to take those!)

So yeah, after I got home I filed a theft report. The cop actually dusted the car for prints, but everything was too smeared. I figured that buying a new faceplate would cost about the same as a new deck. So now I think to myself, "I've got a useless paperweight now, this would be a primo opportunity to upgrade my stereo like I've been thinking." I went back to my class, my math teacher made a bunch of arithmatic mistakes and sent us home early due to her lack of awareness, and I raced out to shop for a new deck.

After checking a couple places out, I found a decent deal at Circuit City. The deck was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but they gave me free installation which made the difference. The deck itself is a JVC tuner/CD player with an MP3 decoder. That means I can burn compressed CD's and fit like 20 hours of music on one CD! It also has a mini remote. (I'm so broke, but it feels good!)

Lesson learned. Even in Broomfield, lock your doors.


  1. Bummer and Yeah! Not easy to lock your car, but at least take your face plate. How much longer on your job? Send your parents your midterm grades if you have them. I have A's in my two classes. Easy for me, I am not working full time. Love Mom


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