Foiled Again

Guess what special event was bestowed upon me tonight? I was written up! Final written warning, the whole 9 yards. And for what, you ask? Because I told a customer that once their problem was solved they wouldn't need to keep their warranty. Fucking written up! Can you say anal retentive?

This is why I never want to be a salesman. Ever! Ever! No! Not anything resembling sales! I never want to memorize another promotion or take another credit card payment or explain another bill. Never again. I just want to sit in a cubicle, a real enclosed cubicle and not the open-air ones like Echostar, and test my logic all day.

After I get rational thought back, I'll consider whether I can stand to stay or when to turn in my 2-week notice or whether to turn it in at all.

Oh yeah, something cool did happen today. Grandma got new windows for the front of the house, which means I have a bedroom window that actually opens and closes. So that's cool.


  1. Oh no! Poor little Chris. You shouldn't show them the curtosey of leaving a notice and just leave. (Or stick it out, whatever, but you have a day off to regain rational thought.)

    Yay! Windows!

  2. Hi Chris, yeah windows, did she get a bay in the living room? BAd things happen even at closed cubicals, LEAVE a two week notice!!! it may make the difference in your next job. Keep the job if you can, I am sure it makes for much better dates and stuff, with money. Well, love you Mom and Dad


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