Day off after all!

Hey all! Today was better than I expected, and it would take a lot to ruin my mood tonight.

I woke up for school in the morning like usual, and what do I find in my car but a new bobble-head dog and a card from Ashley? The card had a Starbucks gift card enclosed too! Not that I'm a Starbucks addict yet, but I'm sure I'll get use out of it. After that, went to chemistry, and got thoroughly confused over the 4 similar equations concerning light as both a wave and matter, and treating matter as a wave. I'm sure I'll figure it out, but the teacher just blew thru them without giving any useful examples. Came back home, had some breakfast.

Ashley came over for her lunch period and we exchanged gifts; I got her a Gameboy Advance and Spyro. I thought she'd enjoy those, because she's never had any sort of game console before, and really has no place for a used N64. She got me a beard groomer and a really nice sweater from Old Navy.

Went back to school for trig, fought off sleep the entire period. There must be something about trig that puts me to sleep, because this was happening last year too. Oh, the teacher did change the format of the class to include homework as a grade, so I guess I'll actually have to do all of the assignments instead of breezing thru a select few problems.

After that, I decided to call in to work. The job is important, but so is spending time with Ashley today. If they have a problem with me calling in once, then I probably don't need to work for them. Besides, it was supposed to be my day off! It was only overtime anyway!

I didn't do anything particular with my time off, but that's exactly what I needed. Ashley and I went to the mall, I bought a new video game, then we watched Indiana Jones at her house. I came back home, flew WWII planes for a bit, and now here I sit.

I'm extremely happy at the moment. For some reason, I'm really glad I didn't go in to work. Last night was actually really good, and today was only a half day, but it doesn't really matter. I had an excellent day because I had the day off. I'm vaguely worried about getting a talk when I go back, but if I do it would be worth it. Its not even going to happen, because the policy is 5 calls-in per year, no questions asked.


  1. Hi Chris, sounds like a great day! Yes, you should have the right to take the occasional day off, especially when it is your day off. Say hi to Ashley for us. Dad and Zach are heading there Firday night. Maybe jeannie too. Hope you can still plan to spend some time with dad on Sunday. I am sure it would be ok for Ashley to come too. Love Mom


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