Registration, Finally

I went to school this morning, slipping and sliding my way there, and I realized something. My school had finally opened up registration! I sat thru a thouroughly boring Spanish class, came home and registered. I decided to go with my earlier plan, and signed up for 3 classes. On Monday/Wednesday I'll have macroeconomics from 10 - 11:15, then calculus from 1 - 3:15. On Tuesday/Thursday, I'll have C++ from 10 - 11:50. I'm very pleased with my schedule, and I'm really anxious to start C++. Not enough to go in before the term starts, but anyway...

I should get going, I'm going to go talk to an Army Reserve recruiter that called me a few days ago. I definitely won't do anything drastic today, but I'll get some information to go off of. Army Reserve could have its pros; the college money and training would be my primary focus, but the physical training would be a definite plus. We'll just have to see if those are enough to overcome my contempt for the military and fear of getting mobilized...

Don't worry, I'll definitely talk to everyone before I get the slightest urge to sign up.


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