
The weekend was very refreshing, indeed. I got some much-needed R&R. Ashley and I carved pumpkins Friday, which was really fun. We even went to the pumpkin patch (in my Civic, hope I didn't lose anything bottoming out...) and picked out pumpkins from the vines. Our carvings went pretty well, but of course we cheated and used kits with patterns and knives.

Halloween was really fun. Ashley and I went up to Ft. Collins for the afternoon. Jackie and Kelly wanted us to bring costumes for trick-or-treating, but Ashley had heard weather reports that it was going to snow, so we skipped. We dropped by Kelly's house, then went and met Jackie's apartment. It's not as bad as she says, really its not! We talked for a good while, and headed out to the movie theater. We split up there; Ashley and Kelly wanted to see Richard Gere's ass, and Jackie and I opted for Team America. It was pretty funny, definitely in the South Park genre of comedy.

Today has been pretty uneventful. I aced the Spanish test I took last Wednesday, so that's cool. Oh yeah, I got a new backpack with room for my laptop, so I'm pretty psyched about that. Still job hunting, but I happened to see CC at Best Buy today. He's working there, and says they're hiring like crazy for seasonal, so I have a decent chance there.


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