No New Mexico for Me

Life's been good for the past week. Nothing huge I guess. Oh yeah, the chemistry exam was tough, but I think I'll pass well enough. Turns out we didn't have a trig exam until yesterday, and it's a take-home test. Guess I'd better take a look at that, huh? The susbsitute we had in trig made it sound hard, but who knows if he even looked at it.

I was planning on going to New Mexico this weekend to see my family, but the weather seems to have killed that. I'm sure I'll see them all soon, because Thanksgivings coming right up. I don't know if I'll be down there or if they'll be up here, but we'll find out soon enough.

Last night, Ethel (Ashley's grandma) and I made pecan puff cookies for my trip and for the holidays in general. It was kind of fun to just sit there with her and get a cooking lesson. I think she enjoyed it as much as I did.

Most of today I spent programming. I'm trying to put together a helper program for my Schedule Creator, so that you don't have to enter classes into text files by hand. Unfortunately for me, I'm trying to do it in VC++, and I made Schedule Creator in VB, so I'm using two COMPLETELY different languages. I think it'll be a good test, but I'm trying to get some fancy shit going with tree views and stuff, and it's just not going together nicely yet. I think it'll be really fun once I get past some of my current hurdles. Putting the pieces together should be a blast!


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