Good Times... and Almost Thanksgiving

I'm doing very well, glad to say. I've gotten a good chunk of Half-Life 2 done, and it's such a sweet game! Nova Prospekt is an especially fun level; you get to storm a prison with the help of these Starship Troopers-esque bug things that like to kill enemy aliens. Right now I'm leading the resistance movement against the evil alien opressors. I still hate headcrab zombies...

School's been good. I didn't do quite as well on my Spanish test as I would've liked, but a B is still good. I'm still confident of passing all of my classes with B's or better. I'm still contemplating classes for next semester; mostly thinking about whether to take macroeconomics or chem 2. The chem class would count towards my major, but so would calc-based physics next fall, and I'd rather have the physics in that slot. Besides, I have a sneaking suspicion that chem 2 would be more involved than economics. Either way I'll be full time, so I'll keep considering, but I'm leaning toward the economics.

Still psyched about C++ next semester. It'll probably be boring for the first half the class since I know the basics, but it'll be a good refresher. On that line, my program is fully functional and does the basics of what I was aiming for. It takes class info like the course name, credit hours, class days and times, and the prof's name in a dialog. It shows all of the classes in a tree view, like Windows directory listings. (AKA, open up My Documents or My Computer and hit the "Folders" button at the top.) When everything's entered, it'll save to the hard drive in a format that my old program can read. It's pretty simple, but from here I can expand it to show a whole bunch of different views and even replace the old program. In short, I'm excited about programming again.

Things with Ashley are good. She's got the entire week off of school, but that means extra time at the Animal Doctor. Oh yeah, and she's house-sitting Patti's house, so there's another job for her. Her family's gearing up for Thanksgiving, so the house is starting to look more like a normal house instead of a packrat nest.

Putting in my car tomorrow at Cooper's, and hopefully they'll have time to fix the CV joints or whatever's messing up. I need to drive Thursday!


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