Living it up

Things calmed down a little bit. Friday, we had SIB orientation and learned how to hoist a 40-foot antenna system. Not too shabby. But Friday night I was busy moving all my stuff over here to the 5+ barracks! Holy crap I'm so excited! The showers are hot and consistently clean. All of the doors are weighted to close automatically, and the supervisors actually perfer that they stay closed. No drill sergeants harrassing us constantly. Five guys to an entire room sized for eight. Its so nice!

Yesterday was a bit frustrating at first, because they actually wanted us to do stuff. Saturday morning and here we are, awake and standing outside at 0430, freezing. The entire company had to participate in urban warfare training at a site on the other side of the firing range, about 20 minutes away. There were so many people that we had to be divided into 3 waves, and yet they wouldn't let us go do whatever if we were on a later wave. It ended up being pretty fun actually, and I'm glad I went. I'm just saying it could have been organized better beforehand instead of doing this the morning of. That night, there was also a mandatory concert of a country singer who wrote a song about the Signal Corps. Again, fun event, but not exactly what I had in mind.

Today I'm just enjoying the newfound freedom of the barracks. I think I could handle living like this for the rest of AIT.


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