Hell Week

This week isn't exactly as I had planned it. The schoolhouse was the same as usual, but back here at the barracks the drill sergeants are going haywire. Monday night they didn't release us and had us clean the barracks all night, or in other words we had a GI Party. Tuesday night wasn't too bad, but we still had training so we were still busy. Last night they were just as pissed off as Monday, so we GI Partied again. They're talking about locking us down almost as bad as Basic. Timed showers. Extra guard duties. Locked down formations. Tonight was vastly eased up because we had a good inspection today.

They're talking about more changes still. But this sounds like good news; we might be moving into the old Phase 5+ barracks like we were supposed to a month ago! No drill sergeants in the halls, working heaters, hot showers, and no drill sergeants in the halls. Tell you all about it soon!


  1. Hi Chris, Hang in there, just 12 more days!!! I am looking forward to seeing you. Love mom


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