Back to Civilian

My god it's good to be back. Yesterday was a frantic rush. The remaining Reserve and National Guard students that were PCS'ing all gathered in Darling hall to outprocess. We waited in a large lecture hall for an hour and a half, only to find out we were in the wrong room. We found the right room, filled out the last bit of paperwork, got a very informative and useful briefing from the liason's office, then got our flight times. My flight was later than I wanted, but at least I'd be back in Denver the same day. I shipped my guitar, which cost me my firstborn son almost. I tired to get my laptop cord back from DS Castillo, but he was busy and the cab was waiting, so I'll have to buy a new one.

The flight was excruciatingly long. The faster you want to get somewhere, the slower time passes. Finally, in Denver, I walked up the escalator and looked longingly for Ashley. Turned out, she found me first and walked up behind me. Not the triumphant entrance I wanted, but we still had a long moment to ourselves. We drove back to Broomfield, and of course I had to make the rounds and see everyone before I could do anything. Everyone was very happy to see me. Ashley and I spent a few minutes alone to catch up. I went home, laid down on my nice, firm, new mattress, slipped under the covers instead of sleeping on top, punched my artificial feather pillows instead of my drool-resistant plastic pillow, and fell asleep. This morning, I slept in. I'm not sure what I'll do this morning, but I know one thing; I'll decide what I'm doing.


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