School Going Well

Well, I'm more than a quarter of the way through my Calculus class, and so far, so good. My homework scores could all have been better, considering I can get as much help as I want on those. But my first exam was handed back with an 81%, and I'm fairly pleased with myself. I got perfect scores of the first two of three sections, and the last section was only a little rocky. I can't really speculate on the difficulty of the test by the averages, because the scores were all over the board. The professor reported that the high was 96%, the low was 0% (and that was someone who actually sat down and took the test), and the median was 56%. All I can figure is that I was a decent grade. I might haggle a couple more points tomorrow, but really I'm happy as it stands. I just want to avoid those situations where my grade going into the final is on the border.

Today Ashley and I had a bit of an impromptu date. She met me in Boulder after class, and we just cruised around for a bit. She needed tea from Celestial Seasonings, and we grabbed lunch at Silver Mine Subs, and meandered around Pearl Street Mall for a bit. It was time spent, commitment-free, and completely wonderful.

Check out this site I found today: We Feel Fine. It seems to be an artistic exploration into the feelings that people confide to the world via blogs. It's a really interesting program. It gives me a feeling of omniscience, looking into the feelings of hundreds of individuals from all over the world, all at once. To read someone's mind, just point at their dot and they'll pour their heart out to you. Very cool site.


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