MilBlogs Welcome!

Hey all, I wanted to let you know that I've joined the MilBlogs blog ring. It seems appropriate, since I am military and people may want to read my view of things. A lot of the member blogs seems mostly about political opinions and trying to spread the message of a political cause or movement. But others are just the happenings of service members, like me. I got the idea from My Vacation in Iraq, by SGT Luke Port. I actually found his blog after he got home and stopped writing, but still.

[coding rant ahead] Of course, putting the banner on my blog was no walk in the park, thanks to LiveJournal. I love this blog hosting site, but it was sure a pain in the ass to add some simple HTML to the sidebar. I actually had to sit a couple hours and learn S2, LiveJournal's customization programming language. After a few hours of wrestling with S2, I have what I wanted, and could've had in a few seconds if they didn't escape HTML in the sidebar free text input fields! And hey, now that I know a little bit about the customization, maybe I can add that "Countdown to ETS" timer I always wanted! [/coding rant]


  1. Hey Chris, did you know that you can put html in your user info much easier than you can in the style? I'm just saying. And what's "countdown to ETS"?

  2. ETS is an army acronym: Expiration of Term of Service. That is to say, the day I can choose to get out of my military obligation, which is January 12, 2013.

    I guess I'm more looking forward to my date I transfer to the IRR, Inactive Ready Reserve, which is January 12, 2011. That's the day I'm no longer in the Reserves and no longer drilling, I'm just on the books. It's rare, though not unheard of, to call someone from IRR to deployment.


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