Of Kittens and Men

Nothing much to report this week. I had my first quiz on Monday, and my first exam today, and both seemed to go about the same. I got overconfident early on and made some interesting mistakes, but in the end I did pretty well on both. I don't have either of them graded, but I feel fairly good about the results on both.

Also, Ashley has cats on her mind. She's fallen in love with an adoption kitten at the Animal Doctor, and I've got to admit I'm not saying no immediately. We'll have to consider the practicality, but I'm on the fence at this point. I'd sure love to have a pet around here, I'm just not sure if this is a good time, with things able to change so quickly. It would live here at Alcott, so we've got to consult with Jeremey and Cameron before we do anything.


  1. Now isn't that odd, that you'd get a cat, or at least strongly consider getting one, before I would.

    And it's good that calc take 2 is going well.


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