June Drill

Well, yet another drill down. Saturday morning started off with a suprise; a company-wide drug test. And so we sat around sipping water and shooting the breeze for a few hours while everyone "got the urge." We got in a few classes, and broke for lunch. I gave one of my classes that afternoon, along with a few other people. At the end of the day, we unloaded a shipping container full of miscellanious junk, and unpacked a couple dozen large frame tents. I was informed that the next morning I would be taking a PT test, and to show up in PT uniform. Great.

This morning, as promised, was the PT test. It was a suprise to me, since I figured they'd give me a couple of months to work on myself, but I guess they're going to keep on testing me at every opportunity. I don't think it really motivates me any more, it just means I'm maxing out more often and interrupting my own training. On the other hand, failing again today does make me realize I need to ramp up my consistency a bit. After the test, a few of us waited around for chaplain services for a bit, and learned that the chaplain had forgotten his car keys back at Buckley. So instead, the company broke for lunch. After lunch, we finished the classes, and cleaned our rifles. I think mine must have been lent out to another unit, because it was quite a bit dirtier than I had left it. Oh well, it's just going to get dirty in July when we're firing blanks out of them. Blank rounds are nasty as all get out, so by the end the rifles are just gonna be in dire need of cleaning again.

And of course, they mentioned that since they're not scheduling the 2-weeks annual training as a company, that we need to pick from a couple different events and get the time ourselves. If we don't get enough AT days, then we haven't completed a "good year" in our reserve obligations. And wouldn't you know it, all of the events will conflict with either my summer or the start of my fall schedules. I love my unit.


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