Hat Fetish Realized

You may note the new avatars. "The Many Hats of Chris!" It's something of an analogy, and I think everyone has at least vaguely heard of the concept, but it struck me in this context. Drill Instructors are, of course, real people with real feelings. But they are taught that when they put on the hat, they are no longer people with families or feelings or worries. They are professionals with a mission. They are different people, with different goals.

That's the idea with my avatars. I have a very diverse life, and I show a different face to each segment of my life. When I "put on a different hat," I have different tasks, goals, and dreams. And so, my life is really just an attempt to be the best person I can, no matter what hat I'm wearing.

Am I waxing poetic? No, I'm just rationalizing the lame attempt at multiple userpics to categorize events.


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