Gung ho, but overweight

I've kinda been slacking, but here's the update. I had an excellent weekend of friends and dieting. Ashley, Jackie and I went to Flatirons Mall and Boulder to get gifts for Christmas, and had a right good time. The girls usually hate to have Kelly along, but they seem to be missing her now that she has a boyfriend to hang out with. I know its not just missing her company; there's also a degree of concern, but I think they actually miss her company, too.

Monday morning I woke up at 4 AM to go down to MEPS (the Military Entrance Processing Station). After many rounds of the "hurry up and wait" game, I got thru all of the medical examinations fine. Everything seemed to be perfect, except my vision which was correctable. The last step in the medical exam was the height and weight measurement, and this was the only part I was worried about failing.

I've been on a pseudo-Atkins diet and wearing plastic wrap around my waist for about 4 days. This was all following the recruiting office sergeant's ideas. I was a little skeptical, but I was pleasantly suprised when I actually lost about 5 pounds and an inch and a half off of my stomach.

At the weighing, I was 6 pounds over standard, so they taped my neck and waist several times for accuracy. One round of "hurry up and wait" later, I had the paper saying I was 1.18% over the fat composition standard. That means I can't complete any more of the entrance processing until December 23. Was that perfect timing on their part or what? Maybe my family will be in town to see me get sworn in. Its possible.

Anyway, I've got final exams this week, starting with Spanish tomorrow. I've got a lot of studying to to in the next two days! On the bright side, I think I'm going into these tests looking pretty good grade-wise. Wish me luck!


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