Almost Christmas!

Yes indeed, and I'm excited! I'm still enjoying break by being as lazy and leisurely as possible. Last night, Mike, Bryan and I had a LAN party, but it kind of flopped when Mike took 4 hours installing all of his mods for Unreal Tournament 2004 on all 3 computers. Still, it was better than sitting around at home, and I had an excuse to stay up till 5 AM. Sweet!

I guess the past few days hasn't been all fun. I've been bugging Ashley to clean her room ever since she got her fish tank, and she actually got a little bit motivated. Just at that moment, her grandmother decided that nothing should be in the front room since there were "only" 5 days until Christmas. We had it bagged up all nice and neat, so it wouldn't take more than 5 minutes to move them all. Oh well, that's life. After Christmas we may get more chance to do something with the room.

As for the Army, I got a call from my dad's best friend, who gave me the advice that it may not be the best time to join the service. He was active-duty Air Force, so the fact that he's trying to dissuade me is pretty unsettling. He agrees that if I find the right job that it diminishes my chances of getting shipped out. I get the feeling when my dad told him I was joining the Army that Mark got the idea I was joining as an open job description, which would pretty much condemn me to the worst jobs the Army has to offer. I like to think I have a little more sense than that.

Oh shoot, I forgot to find out what books I needed for school, and the school's closed now until January 3rd! Oh well, guess that just means I'll need to pay for relatively fast shipping when I get them on eBay. I sold a couple of my textbooks on eBay and made decent money off of them, so that's cool.

If I don't get back to everyone, Merry Christmas! Love you all!


  1. Hi Chris, Glad to hear from you, guess you are probably sleeeping now. Dad is planning to come up tomorrow, (Christams day,) spend some time at grandmas house. On Sunday he is going to go visit the family at the north end of town and would like you to come along with him, Zach and Jeannie. On Monday, he will see mark and Dave at a pool party, and I believe you would be invited to come along and talk MEN stuff, you would have a chance to talk to mark more.
    I dont know where dad is planning to stay, I dont think he is comfortable with staying in an empty house, esecially if zach and jeannie stay at grandmas. so you and dad will have to chat and see what he wants to do.
    Breakfast is ready, we are having healthy oatmeal. Love you looking forward to seeing you next week. Love Mom

  2. (to the tune of happy birthday)"Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas to yoooouuuu, Merry Christmas to you"

    You might be growing a brain, oooh!


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