End of Semester!

The semester's finally over! Actually, compared to high school it was extremely quick. I think I'm going to enjoy this college thing (or at least until the classes get hard). I took the Spanish final last Wednesday, and it was pretty bad. Math and Chem weren't as bad, but I'm sure I passed all three. I just wish the website wasn't broken so I could check my grades.

Thursday afternoon I was finally free! I went for a workout with at the recruiting station, but no one showed up to lead it. All of the recruiters were in their fancy Class A uniforms as usual, so they couldn't lead a workout even if they felt like it. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were pure leisure for me. Saturday night I went out with the usual crowd (Ashley, Jackie, Kristen and Jeff) to CB & Potts for dinner, then to see Ocean's 12. It was quite an evening. Sunday night we all hung out at Kristen's house again, and Jeff made piƱa coladas for everyone. I had half a glass, so I guess that's basically the first time I've had any drinks.

Oh yeah, and I found a nice place for my little 1-foot tall Christmas tree from Marcy. It's very cute on top of my desk. I just need more miniature ornaments. Ooh, and my A-10 Warthog model is getting very close to done. I just painted the cockpit, which came out pretty good. All that's really left is the ordinance (missiles, bombs). Rock on!


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