Semester: Done

I'm done, it's over, fin. My exams all went pretty well. Arabic was a little bit iffy, but I was impressed that I did know a few things. I hope my grades are good enough for Engineering, but it's out of my hands now. It's a strange feeling. I'm relieved that I've done my part and I don't have to work anymore, but still nerve-wracking. It shouldn't take more than a week to get my grades back, but I have no idea how long the dean's office will take in its decision. I've decided that if Engineering turns me down, I'll still stay at CU for another semester, to try for appeals, and so I don't have to switch schools in a matter of days, potentially. That could be a nightmare.

Besides school, driving is also winding down, at least for me. I haven't volunteered my services over the break, although I might want to do a little work. At this point, I want a break from the bus.

The internship is still going well. At this point, it's pretty slow going, but as I learn more of what's ahead, I'm starting to cringe. We're diving into an ocean of questions and research. However, I'm confident that we can find ways to break up our monstrous tasks. My only complaint so far is the commute. Traffic in east Denver is just horrendous!


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