Last Midterm, and Drill

This week, I took my last midterm, for calculus. I felt pretty good about it, but I only earned a 67. I'm not fretting though, I only have to hit the average.

My monthly Army drill was this weekend. First thing on Saturday morning, we had a random UA screening. Funny thing about the random people chosen, though; most of the E-4's and below were "randomly" chosen. Just funny is all. While people were waiting for the urge, our Major put in The Muppet Chrismas Carol. I'd never seen it before, and it was cute.

After that, we got some work done on service calls. I ended working mostly on phone lines again. Sunday afternoon, there was a Christmas gift drawing, and I got a mug and some candy out of the deal. I have to say, I really like this unit, and I'm proud to serve with such a great group of people.


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