She Said Yes!

Tonight was the 5 years of dating anniversary for Ashley and myself, and about a month ago I bought tickets to the Loreena McKennitt concert! This was Ashley's first ever concert, and the first one I've been to on my own, and it's been years since I've been to one at all. It was held at The Paramount in downtown Denver, which I had never been to. The concert was amazing, and the woman sitting beside us was friendly and had an extended conversation with us before the concert and on the intermission. The concert was just absolutely great. Ashley and I thought the three encores were a bit much, but oh well. I was extremely intrigued by the hurdy gurdy and its player. I'd heard the sound in some of Loreena's songs, but I could never identify the instrument, so that was a treat. Ashley bought two CDs from the vendors, and we headed home.

As if it wasn't a great evening to begin with, I still had a surprise for Ashley. When we got home, I gave her a little crimson Shane Co. box, and inside the grey ring box was the bridal ring set that I paid off this morning. It's a beautiful set, with 20 channel set diamonds across both bands, interlocking "points," and a 1/5th carat princess-cut diamond. Then I got on my knee, and asked her if she would marry me. She said yes, and started crying for joy. She had to use an ice cube to remove her promise ring, but it looks great on her finger. We sat on the couch and talked for a while before we both went to bed. It was a perfect end to a wonderful evening!


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