Busy Bee

It's been another busy week for me. Work has peaked again because of another home football game and Parent's Weekend, so I've been driving a lot. Tuesday I took my exams, and did fairly well on both of them, so I'm pleased there. Academics from Wednesday forward felt rushed. I'm still keeping up with calculus homework, but only just. We have a calc exam next week, and I've had little time to study for that until now.

For driving, I've taken a lot of different runs, ranging from early morning College Inn loops to late night WillVill loops, and even a few charters. In particular, Thursday afternoon I had a charter from the School of Engineering going to several tech companies in north Boulder, and that run was disastrous. I had 3 separate drops and pickups, and conflicting information on where they were and in what order to arrive. I did what I could to salvage the trip, but it was still a royal cluster-f***. We got back to the school 35 minutes late, and several people missed their classes. I just hope the teacher on board isn't involved in the Engineering entrance decisions, doesn't remember my name, or else had a positive view of my efforts.

Yesterday I took another field trip for Prof. Harvey Nichols and his Alpine Ecology class, this time down to the Denver Museum of Natural History. I enjoyed walking around the museum and listening to Harvey's notes on the animals and dioramas. It got me feeling very intellectual and adventurous, like Ashley and I need to take more one-day vacations to interesting places. We'll have to see about that. Maybe we can go on a hike at Garden of the Gods, and I can geocache while she uses her amazing new camera ( a Canon Powershot S5 IS). That sounds like fun.


  1. Keep up the good work. We are proud of you to be handeling all that you do.

  2. Here is a song for our boys and girls in the military:

    I Wanna Go Home

    The author has given permission to those currently serving in the military who buy the song to share it with nine of their best buddies, wives, husbands, parents, or children.

    If you like it, pass it on.


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