
Well, here I am again, driving the bus on the late night. Oh well. Earlier tonight was the second calculus exam. It felt significantly better than the first, but there were a couple of parts that were out of my grasp. The TA's were very good about grading last time, and we had the exams back the next day. That kind of turnaround is unheard of! Hopefully they will do the same tonight.

I've got plenty happening in the next week; tomorrow night is the Sights and Sound of the Islamic World event, which I'd like to experience. They're holding an actual wedding, plus who can turn down free food, even falafel? Saturday night, Ashley and I are going to see the CU theater production of The London Merchant by George Lillo, which promises to be entertaining. Monday night is the last of the dance classes that Ashley and I have been taking, Tuesday is the Arabic class "field trip" to the Ali Baba Grill in Golden, and Thursday will be the start of this month's Army drill. Since I'm going to be missing two days of class, I have to finish my usual homework early in the week, as well as finish the calculus lab project and mostly finish my Arabic cultural presentation (5-10 minutes of talking in Arabic). Good times.


  1. Man you dont mess around. I am glad you seem to be hanging in there. I melt sometimes when I get too much on my plate. Keep up the good attitude. Looking forward to seeing you at thanksgiving... mom


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