Busy Pays Off

Alright, so it's Halloween night, and tomorrow I'm going in early for drill. I managed to get to Sights and Sounds of the Islamic World last Thursday, and Ashley and I had a good time. The food was quite good, the songs and poetry were great (besides the extremely rude crowd), the comedian was a ball, and the wedding was intensely interesting. On Saturday, Sean and I mostly finished the calculus lab, so that's one academic need complete. Saturday night Ashley and I went to the CU Theatre's production of "The London Merchant," which was in the Loft Theater, a very small venue with seating for maybe 100 people, on four benches surrounding a square stage. Very unique production, and a great play.

Monday, Ashley and I got to our last beginning ballroom dance class. We're thinking about more advanced classes, but we'll see. Last night we both went to Golden with my Arabic class to enjoy a meal at the Ali Baba Grill. The food, company and coversation were all great. Professor Aissa and a few of my classmates got into several debates, about women's rights in the Islamic world vs. the West, etc. I think that was my first experience with Arab food, and I really enjoyed the entire meal. I'm going to have to find more restaurants like Ali Baba's, maybe a little closer to home.

Which brings us up to today. I decided to dress up for Halloween, so I just threw on an old set of BDU's (the old woodland camo's), and grabbed my clear plastic Airsoft M-4 for good measure. If I'd had my TA-50 bag, I could've worn my web gear and Kevlar helmet. Oh well. I've already been to my classes and taken my Arabic miderm, which was rough, but passable. I've turned in all of my assignments for the week early, and the last thing I'm doing tonight is one more shift on the bus. After that, I'll grab a few good hours of sleep, then it's off to the Army!


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