Cactus Patch

Nothing huge to report this week. School is continuing at a steady pace. Work has slowed down, and I'm quite happy about that. We have several new drivers coming into the company, so the workload should cut down a bit. Ashley and I have started ballroom dance classes on Monday nights, through October. I had fun, more than I expected. I don't dread the classes like many males do, but I have to admit, I wouldn't just take them on my own.

This weekend was the first Army drill of the new fiscal year. We have another addition to the commo section, MSG Mora, who is a great guy and a knowledgeable NCO. I spent most of the weekend moving phone extensions, since the unit decided to rotate offices for a bunch of people. However, a couple of highlights included a change of command for the company commander from CPT Robinson to CPT Sherard, followed by a patch-changing ceremony. Our higher headquarters have changed from the 96th RSC in Utah to the 103rd ESC in Iowa. Our new patch is a cactus, a historical relic from the 103rd Division in WW2. At that time, the 103rd hailed from Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, and hence was called the "Cactus Divison." Besides that, our full-company PT test was delayed due to the freezing rain, so I have another 3 weeks to prepare for the next trial.

This coming Tuesday, I have the Experimental Physics lecture final exam, and later that day is the second General Physics midterm exam. Wish me luck!


  1. I wish you good luck. Get as much rest before it as you can...... love you, mom


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