
This weekend was our family trip to Ruidoso, and we had a great time! Ashley and I spend Thursday night trying to pack and plan for the airport. Friday after class, I headed strait home to get the last few things ready. Ashley and I got out of the house on perfect time, parked on the off-site lot, went through a quick computer kiosk for check-in, and buzzed through security without a hitch. We had a little bit of time, so I introduced Ashley to the USO at Denver International Airport. The flight was very short, and in no time, we met my mom at the baggage claim in Albuquerque. We spent about 3 hours driving southeast, some of it through twisty mountain roads, and found the condo without too much trouble. We met Dad and Jeannie there, and went to bed promptly thereafter.

Saturday, we picked up some groceries, then mostly just lounged around. Zach showed up mid-afternoon, and everyone took some time to enjoy each other's company. It's not often that we can get the whole family in one place anymore! Sunday was spent in the shopping district, looking at all of the neat little stores. After that, we found a spot with go-carts, which Dad, Zach and I rode around, and mini-golf for everyone.

Monday, Ashley decided that she needed a Western-style photo (and I wasn't opposed, I'm just being ornery), so we had some photos taken of the entire family plus Ashley, then just Ashley and I, and then just Jeannie. It was really fun, we had the prints ready in about 20 minutes, and they even sold us a CD with all of the digital photos that we took! That was just amazing, I didn't think that they would just release the copyright just like that. After a little more shopping, Mom, Jeannie, Ashley and I headed for Albuquerque once more, and that night we were home.


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