Good Long Labor Day

Well, Saturday I looked forward to my last bus run for the week, the CU vs CSU football game. It's traditionally one of the rowdiest games of the year, seeing as CSU is our rival school. Well, sure enough, even at 8:30 in the morning, we had several hundred people lined up on the sidewalk, all vying for a seat on the Buff Bus. We packed all of our buses as full as we could allow, then set off for Mile High Stadium. The entire way, the crowd would start up singing the school song, and a variation on a CSU chant, "It sucks, to be, a CSU Ram!" Once we hit the traffic, the crowd would often see a car loaded with black and gold, and cheer. Or they might see an SUV loaded with green and yellow, and start jeering.

We made it to the stadium in one piece, but after much more traffic on the side streets, we were turned away from the usual bus parking lot. This upset me quite a bit, as I was forced to drive around (at a crawl) and try and find a place to let off the now-rioting mob behind the driver's seat. Eventually, after many pleas to just "Let us off here!" and "I really really have to pee!" I just let them off near a major causeway. The parking arrangement was settled, and I was allowed to enjoy the game. I'm not a huge fan of football, but I know enough that I can enjoy the occasional game. It was an interesting game, first very close, then CSU took off and at one point had an 11 point lead, then CU came back. I had to leave halfway through the 4th quarter, so I didn't get to see the tying field goal or any of the overtime period, during which CU took the lead. I was pleasantly surprised when my passengers back were fairly calm and not a rejoicing bacchanal. However, while I was refueling, I discovered that one of my back windows had been punched and broken, probably on the trip down. All in all, better than I expected.

The rest of the weekend was quiet. I tried to arrange a party on Monday, and cleaned furiously for it, but it didn't happen. The person I was most interested in seeing was Mike, who is rumored to be thinking about moving into Alcott. I haven't talked to him in some time, and I still can't seem to get a hold of him. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

And despite working myself to death last week, I'm mostly keeping up with my studies. Maybe that's because it was the first week, a fairly light study load. It looks as if this next week will be much more reasonable. Knock on wood.


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