Calc Midterm, then Party!

Wednesday was the Calculus midterm, and I didn't do all that well, but I'm not alone. Temper my 49% with the fact that the average was 51%, standard deviation 16%. I feel like school is going pretty well, but I'm staying incredibly busy with special events. Like Friday night's Buff Bus driver's party. Dine, the girl I trained with, worked very hard and was actually able to reserve one of the 22-passenger mini buses for a "team-building event." She invited all the drivers to be picked up at their residences, to be taken to a park off of Broadway and Table Mesa for a barbecue. We had a great time, and I got to meet a couple of drivers formally instead of just passing them on the time sheets. I spent a good amount of time talking to Stuart, an Army ROTC cadet and generally good guy, and we arranged to switch our schedules a bit to make both our lives a bit easier. Great time.

Saturday was another football game, this one against #3 Oklahoma. I had the distinction of driving the ADA bus, shuttling those with physical disabilities down to the stadium. Once again, the streets became extremely crowded before the game. So crowded that on the last drop-off before the game, Events Services wouldn't even let me down the street. Most of my passengers decided to walk the short distance left to the stadium, but one gentleman was adamant about being dropped off before the game started, and I was adamant about getting him there. I ended up dropping him off at a different gate, then had a hell of a time trying to get back on route. After the game started, however, the crowds dropped off sharply and I was able to get back to work. The rest of the day was uneventful, except perhaps for the big win!

Sunday was my second party for the weekend, Kristen's baby shower. I spent a little time helping set up decorations, and then the rest of the time enjoying the friends, food, and festivities. I lost my necklace with the plastic safety pin pretty early on for saying the word "baby." (That was one of the games.) However, I did pretty well at pinning a cloth diaper to a balloon. And getting the little plastic baby out of the ice cube was no problem. Normally I guess you have to hold the cube and warm it and it takes a while, but I opted to put it on the deck and smash the cube with my foot. It was dubbed the "emergency C-section" method of playing the game.

Hopefully I can get back to business as usual soon. We have more drivers coming into the company, so work will be letting off a bit. I'm done with midterms for the moment, but there's no end of homework and studying with which to occupy myself. And I may have exciting news soon, since Ashley and my 5-year anniversary of dating is approaching...


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