Poking Things and Birthday Party

This weekend on Friday night I wasn't partying, like any other freshly-turned 21-year old. No, I was at the first day of drill. We had Friday night prior to the usual Saturday and Sunday this time, which was different. I didn't see much of my section this weekend because I was taking the Combat Life Saver's course. The CLS certification is a secondary duty, so I'm nowhere near a medic, but I now know a few extra medical techniques beyond the average GI Joe. The biggest new responsibility is the ability to start an IV and administer IV fluids. Even after several hours of training on rubber arms, it was still nerve-wracking to stick a person. But I did get to hang around with Faith, so the weekend wasn't a complete bummer. The only real disappointment was that after a month of working out with a personal trainer, I wasn't able to take the darn PT test! Now I have to wait another month!

When I got home tonight, Ashley was horrified that I was earlier than expected. She threw me a surprise party! And it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed! She and Jackie decorated with streamers and balloons, and baked a massive cake with homemade icing. And to top it all off, there are turtles action figures standing on the cake! How cool is that? Not too long after I got home, Kristen arrived with her boyfriend Robert, and Holly also came over. We tried out a new game very similar to our favorite, Apples to Apples. This new one is called Boxers or Briefs, and acknowledges the best true statement as well as the funniest statement. Quite good.

This next week I have midterms and I'm starting bus training, so wish me luck.


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