Buses are Big Vehicles

This weekend was my first full weekend of bus training. Saturday I joined Dine, a girl in biochemistry. Our trainer was Dien, one of the staff drivers. We also had Adam, a staff driver training to be a trainer. After a long, methodical pretrip, we drove out to the Boulder Valley School District bus lot and practiced maneuvers. Let me tell you, it's not easy to parallel park a 40-foot bus. After lunch we went out driving around Boulder. One of the things we practiced was the Williams Village route, or WillVill. It's the major route that TS runs, so just about everyone has driven WillVill, and will drive it again. Sunday was more of the same with trainer Brian plus another trainee, Jordan, a dance major in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. We started out with maneuvers and then just drove around every part of Boulder we need to get around. Have I mentioned yet that those buses are huge? You're freakin' half way into an intersection before you even start turning! Gigantic. Can't wait to start driving the articulated buses (arc's).


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