Burning the Candle at Both Ends

Just a little busy this weekend. Saturday morning started with more bus training. We mostly drove around the north end of Boulder with Dien, visiting the Boulder Reservoir, through Lyons, and halfway up to Estes Park. We had to make a U-turn at a pulloff because we can't go all the way to Estes without mountain training, which requires at least 40 hours of route time after getting one's CDL.

Saturday afternoon was spent with Ashley at her uncle's house. This was Ashley's grandmother's 90th birthday! I couldn't miss that for training. We went and mingled with her cousins, and aunts and uncles. We met the 6 point buck that her cousin Michael recently bagged on a hunting trip. It's really a monster. We got to play with Ashley's little 2nd cousins. They're pretty cute when they're that little, I have to admit. We stayed for most of the party, and then Ashely and I left for our own adventures.

Saturday night I headed over to Mike's house for a long-awaited DnD session. Ashley intended to come, but wasn't feeling great, so she left for home. However for the evening, we did have Mike, Claire, Jackie, Buddha, and Claire's friend David. We started an odd but interesting campaign set in a desert. What was most confusing was when David's dwarf died in battle, then woke up the next day with a headache and unable to use his gear. We didn't figure out the cause, but hopefully we will continue with this campaign next time. We only played until 1 AM, I'm sure we could go longer next time.

Sunday consisted of more bus training with Adam. We traveled down to Golden via Highway 93 to see the School of Mines and the Coors Brewery, but we didn't stop there. We headed east to Denver to see some of the common event sites, like Mile High Field and the Pepsi Center. The afternoon consisted of more Boulder destinations.

So all in all, I've had a very productive weekend. I can't say I enjoy being this busy, but come what may! I'm ready to take life by the horns!


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