Midterms Round One

This week has been... busy. On Monday and Wednesday between classes I learned how to pretrip buses, so that was new and different. Monday evening I took a required Sexual Harassment Prevention class. Oh goody, another one. Wednesday evening was the calculus midterm, and I walked out feeling okay about my performance. Not great mind you, but okay. We got our tests back on Thursday, and considering the average was a 50%, my 60% was not too horrible. Today's Components exam was way too long, I don't think the teacher meant for it to be this long. Maybe we'll just get a good curve... Oh, and I looked into RCIA classes to get into the Catholic church for Ashley's family. As I told the lady, I would probably pursue the classes at this point whether I was dating Ashley or not. I've seen the Lord working in my life, in subtle ways, and I'd like to explore that connection.


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