Semester Ends Early

Last night, my physics final went better than I had expected, so that was good. This morning I woke up to heavy snow. This isn't that unusual for Colorado, we usually have one or two good snow storms every winter. I drove to work, a little more slowly than normal, and tried to press on with today's project, jumpstarting two vans and taking them through emissions. After an hour I had very little progress to show, and the roads were getting much worse, so I decided to cut out early and come home. Now I'm really glad that I did so. The news is saying this is a fairly major blizzard, at least 2 feet of snow with drifts up to 4 feet.

The blizzard has shut everything down, and I've just received an e-mail saying that my Arabic written portion has been cancelled! And that, my friends, means I am done for the semester! [Does the happy dance] I'm stuck at home for a day or so, but I can handle that!


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