Crafty Weekend

Good end to the week. We didn't get much more snow Thursday and Friday, but it stayed cold as all get out. Our Arabic teacher went out of town, so I was able to sleep in a bit, and that was nice. Saturday we got a little more snow, and Ashley and Kristen had another craft fair to run. I helped them set up, and ran off to buy a very important Christmas gift. I spent a lot of the day relaxing on my own, and in the evening Ashley, Holly and I tried to entertain ourselves at the mall. We ended up back at Alcott, watching the first DVD of the Dune miniseries. Sunday Ashley and I shopped around at the craft fair for a bit, then tried to find an open photographer's studio. This close to Christmas, of course, there were no studios with open appointments. In the evening, we all hung out at Kristen's house watching TV. It was also supposed to be in celebration of Kristen's 23rd birthday, but we didn't really do anything special for it.

Just two weeks of classes left, then finals. And only 1500 more days in the Active Reserve. Those countdown gadgets on my Google Homepage are so handy!


  1. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help Kristen celebrate her birthday. I was busy getting lots of sleep and fluids.

    Good luck on your last two weeks of classes!

  2. It's ok, it was probably about time you took some time to yourself to slow down. And I'm sure the sleep and fluids did much more good than hanging around a craft fair.

    And thank you, and good luck yourself. Next stop on the Jackie Express, graduation!


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